Gutter Guard

Gutter Guard comes in so many different types & designs that its hard for the home owner to choose the correct protection. So here at Oz Pest Adelaide we will do this for you.

This product has the following benefits:

  1. Keeps birds out of the roof void
  2. Helps keep rats & mice away from the roof void
  3. Stops gutters & down pipes from blocking up
  4. Fire rated to help prevent embers from getting into the roof void or starting fires in the gutters

Being installed

Being installed along the roof

Completed install

Completed install

To start we will come to your place and provide a free quote. This is to ensure that we can measure the roof / gutters and select the correct colour.

Gutter Guard for Trimdek

Trimdek roof protectionThe great news is that we select world leading gutter guard product which just happen to be made here in Australia.


Gutter Guard matches the roof colour

Matches roof colour & look great

After accepting our quote we will clean your roof, gutters and down pipes. From there the product is installed. When fitted is looks great and keeps everything out.

Happy to come out to meet you. Please call us when your are ready.

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